Hydraulic Oil Sampling

  • Is your machine failing from wear and tear? 
  • Are you finding metallic flecks in your oil but do not know where it is coming from?
  • Does your hydraulic oil appear discoloured even though you only replaced it 6 months ago?

Here at Dynamic Fluid Systems we can help you answer these questions, including the first question most people ask themselves….

“Why do I need to do Hydraulic Oil Sampling?”

Hydraulic oil sampling is like a health check up for your machines, just like humans do with their doctors, to make sure all of the parts that need to work are working correctly and performing at their best, this is the same for your machines.

If your machines are not performing at their best, then what your machines are producing is not the best. It is a chain reaction that we sometimes do not see with our machines, after all the machines are your money makers.  


System Care

Caring for your system

Together with Spectrolab NZ, we provide in house oil sampling and testing using our Spectrometer, Fluidscan, Viscometer and Laser Particle counting technology – All based in our Auckland Laboratory for your peace of mind.

Our staff can collect oil samples from your machines or alternatively we can send you an oil sampling kit for you to take your oil sample and then send it back to us for further analysis. 

This allows for a detailed report of your hydraulic oil in its current condition. 

This report will allow you to make informed decisions in your preventative maintenance programme allowing you to reduce costly maintenance faults by ensuring that your hydraulic filtration systems are adequate to prevent blockages and to provide insight into internal equipment wear and tear.

We are able to provide detailed reports on a wide range of hydraulic oils, both synthetic and mineral. 

Our oil analysis can test for the following contaminants, wear metals, oxidation and additives:


  • Iron
  • Chrome 
  • Nickel
  • Molybdenum
  • Aluminium
  • Lead
  • Copper
  • Tin
  • Silver
  • Titanium


  • Silicon
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Vanadium


  • Water
  • Oxidation
  • Total Acid Number (TAN)


  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc
  • Barium
  • Boron

Please see below for our Oil Sample Result Example Sheets (Taken from real results) 

*Please Note: The Oil Sample History image below shows the trends with the previous results on the same machine (up to 4 previous results) 

OK = All is ok and within acceptable levels for your oil/machine

ATTENTION: Attention is required. Our analyst will provide you with information on what you need to do to save your machine BEFOREits too late

ALARM: Urgent action is required NOW. Our analyst will provide you with information on what you need to do right now to save your machine. 

To find out more information or to organise your System Care Oil Analysis Programme

Contact us today! 

Oil sample being run through our Triple R Filter Unit with a RRR Water Eater Element (TR20450) – 15 Minutes

Oil sample before & after result after going through our Triple R Filter Unit with a RRR Water Eater Element (TR20450) – 30 minutes