DFS Updates

Our website is being updated!

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You may have noticed we are missing a few pages, our product section is gone and the overall look has changed. No, you are not going crazy! We felt like a new change, a fresh look, a new start after the Covid 19 Lock downs here in New Zealand. Please bear with us whilst we […]

DFS Newsletters

Nylocon Coupling Price Increase Newsletter

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Dear Valued Customers,  First of all, Thank you for being such a loyal and consistent customer to Dynamic Fluid Systems International Ltd over the years. Your satisfaction is very important to us, and we hope we have been successful in providing you with excellent service and products.  We never like having to write this letter, […]

DFS Newsletters

Oil Testing & Analysis Newsletter

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What can Oil Testing & Analysis do for YOU!! Oil testing is like a blood test for your oil. Hydraulic Oil plays a key role in Hydraulic Equipment & Machinery. By taking a small oil sample from your machine we analyse it to see if the oil is contaminated and what type of contamination there […]

DFS Updates

DFS Update – Live Chat on our website!

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We now have a live chat service for our website. www.dfsi.co.nz  Anytime of the day or night if you need help while browsing our site just click on the little chat icon on the screen and leave us your message, enquiry etc. If we are online we will respond promptly but if we are offline we will […]

DFS Gallery

DFS Napier Branch Grand Opening Night

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On Wednesday 19 October 2016, our Napier Branch had their successful Showroom Grand Opening Night! Our wonderful administration lady for Napier, Sharon and her team have been working very hard behind the scenes to create this. With attendances from customers and colleagues near and far we would like to share with you a couple of photos from the evening […]